Crash Fever Tier List 2024

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Crash Fever Tier List 2024

Crash Fever Tier List 2024

Are you ready to dive into the world of Crash Fever in 2024? If so, you’ll need to make sure you have the best units on your team. This Crash Fever Tier List 2024 will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about which units to use.

In Crash Fever, units are ranked on a tier list based on their overall strength and usefulness. The higher a unit is ranked on the tier list, the better it is. Units are typically ranked based on their stats, skills, and abilities. Some units may also be ranked higher if they are particularly effective against certain enemies or in certain situations.

Now that you know a little bit about how the Crash Fever tier list works, let’s take a look at some of the best units in the game. We’ll start with the top-tier units, which are the most powerful and versatile units in the game. These units can be used in a variety of situations and against a variety of enemies.

Crash Fever Tier List 2024

Essential Guide for Building a Powerful Team

  • Top-tier units excel.
  • SS tier units dominate.
  • S tier units highly versatile.
  • A tier units solid choices.
  • B tier units situational use.
  • C tier units for beginners.
  • Tier list subject to change.
  • Regular updates essential.

Stay informed with the latest tier list updates to ensure you have the best units for your team.

Top-tier units excel.

In Crash Fever, top-tier units are the cream of the crop. These units are the most powerful and versatile in the game, and they can be used to great effect in a variety of situations. Top-tier units typically have high stats, powerful skills, and unique abilities that make them stand out from the rest.

If you’re lucky enough to have some top-tier units on your team, you’ll be well on your way to victory. These units can carry you through even the toughest challenges, and they’ll make farming for materials and experience much easier.

Some of the best top-tier units in Crash Fever include:

  • SS Tier: Amaterasu, Zeus, Odin, Lucifer
  • S Tier: Susano’o, Izanagi, Thor, Hades

If you have any of these units, be sure to level them up and equip them with the best gear you can find. They’ll be a valuable asset to your team.

Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to have a team full of top-tier units. If you’re just starting out, or if you don’t have a lot of resources, you may have to make do with lower-tier units. That’s okay! Even lower-tier units can be effective if you use them correctly.

SS tier units dominate.

SS tier units are the best of the best in Crash Fever. These units are incredibly powerful and versatile, and they can be used to great effect in any situation. SS tier units typically have the highest stats in the game, as well as powerful skills and abilities that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

  • Unmatched Stats: SS tier units have the highest stats in the game, which makes them incredibly durable and powerful. They can deal massive damage to enemies and take a lot of punishment before they go down.
  • Powerful Skills: SS tier units also have some of the most powerful skills in the game. These skills can deal massive damage, heal your team, or buff your units’ stats. With the right skills, SS tier units can dominate the battlefield.
  • Unique Abilities: In addition to their high stats and powerful skills, SS tier units also have unique abilities that set them apart from other units. These abilities can give them an advantage in battle, such as increased critical hit chance or resistance to certain types of damage.
  • Game-Changing Impact: SS tier units can have a game-changing impact on battles. They can single-handedly turn the tide of battle in your favor, and they can make even the most difficult challenges seem easy. If you have any SS tier units, be sure to use them to your advantage.

Of course, SS tier units are also the rarest units in the game. They are difficult to obtain, and they require a lot of resources to level up and evolve. However, if you’re lucky enough to have some SS tier units on your team, you’ll be well on your way to victory.

S tier units highly versatile.

S tier units are the second-best units in Crash Fever, after SS tier units. They are still incredibly powerful and versatile, but they may not be as specialized as SS tier units. This makes them ideal for a variety of situations, and they can be used to great effect in any team.

  • Strong Stats: S tier units have very strong stats, although they may not be as high as SS tier units. This makes them durable and powerful, and they can deal a lot of damage to enemies.
  • Useful Skills: S tier units also have very useful skills. These skills can deal damage, heal your team, or buff your units’ stats. S tier units’ skills are typically more versatile than SS tier units’ skills, making them useful in a wider range of situations.
  • Good Abilities: S tier units also have good abilities, although they may not be as unique as SS tier units’ abilities. These abilities can give them an advantage in battle, such as increased critical hit chance or resistance to certain types of damage.
  • Great All-Around Units: S tier units are great all-around units that can be used in a variety of situations. They are not as specialized as SS tier units, but they are still very powerful and versatile. If you have any S tier units, be sure to use them to your advantage.

S tier units are easier to obtain than SS tier units, but they are still relatively rare. They require a lot of resources to level up and evolve, but they are worth the investment. If you can get your hands on some S tier units, they will be a valuable asset to your team.

A tier units solid choices.

A tier units are the third-best units in Crash Fever, after SS tier units and S tier units. They are still very powerful and versatile, but they may not be as specialized as SS tier units and S tier units. This makes them solid choices for a variety of teams, and they can be used to great effect in most situations.

A tier units typically have strong stats, useful skills, and good abilities. They may not be as powerful as SS tier units and S tier units, but they are still very effective in battle. They can deal a lot of damage to enemies, take a lot of punishment, and support their teammates with healing and buffs.

Some of the best A tier units in Crash Fever include:

  • Amaterasu (Awoken)
  • Zeus (Awoken)
  • Odin (Awoken)
  • Lucifer (Awoken)
  • Susano’o (Awoken)
  • Izanagi (Awoken)
  • Thor (Awoken)
  • Hades (Awoken)

If you have any of these units, be sure to level them up and equip them with the best gear you can find. They will be a valuable asset to your team.

A tier units are relatively easy to obtain, and they require less resources to level up and evolve than SS tier units and S tier units. This makes them a good choice for players who are just starting out, or for players who don’t have a lot of resources.

B tier units situational use.

B tier units are the fourth-best units in Crash Fever, after SS tier units, S tier units, and A tier units. They are still useful units, but they are not as powerful or versatile as the higher-tier units. B tier units typically have lower stats, less powerful skills, and weaker abilities than higher-tier units.

However, B tier units can still be effective in battle, especially in certain situations. For example, some B tier units may have skills that are particularly effective against certain types of enemies. Other B tier units may have abilities that make them useful in certain game modes. For example, some B tier units have high critical hit chance, making them good for farming evolution materials.

Ultimately, whether or not a B tier unit is worth using depends on the situation. If you are facing an enemy that is weak to a particular type of damage, you may want to use a B tier unit that specializes in that type of damage. If you are playing a game mode that requires a certain type of unit, you may want to use a B tier unit that fits that role.

Some of the best B tier units in Crash Fever include:

  • Amaterasu (Base)
  • Zeus (Base)
  • Odin (Base)
  • Lucifer (Base)
  • Susano’o (Base)
  • Izanagi (Base)
  • Thor (Base)
  • Hades (Base)

If you have any of these units, be sure to level them up and equip them with the best gear you can find. They can be valuable assets to your team, especially in certain situations.

B tier units are relatively easy to obtain, and they require less resources to level up and evolve than higher-tier units. This makes them a good choice for players who are just starting out, or for players who don’t have a lot of resources.

C tier units for beginners.

C tier units are the fifth-best units in Crash Fever, after SS tier units, S tier units, A tier units, and B tier units. These units are typically not very powerful or versatile, and they are not recommended for use in high-level content. However, C tier units can be useful for beginners, as they are easy to obtain and require fewer resources to level up and evolve than higher-tier units.

  • Easy to Obtain: C tier units are relatively easy to obtain, especially for beginners. They can be found in the gacha, as well as through various events and quests.
  • Low Resource Requirements: C tier units require fewer resources to level up and evolve than higher-tier units. This makes them a good choice for beginners who may not have a lot of resources.
  • Can Be Useful in Early Game: C tier units can be useful in the early game, especially for players who are just starting out. They can help players clear early quests and dungeons, and they can be used to farm for materials and experience.
  • Good for Learning the Game: C tier units can also be used to learn the game mechanics. They are relatively easy to use, and they can help players learn how to build a team and how to use skills and abilities effectively.

Once players have progressed further in the game and have obtained more powerful units, they can replace their C tier units with higher-tier units. However, C tier units can still be useful for certain tasks, such as farming for materials or experience.

Tier list subject to change.

It is important to note that the Crash Fever tier list is subject to change. This is because new units are released regularly, and the meta can change over time. Additionally, some units may be better suited for certain situations than others. As a result, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest tier list changes.

  • New Unit Releases: New units are released regularly in Crash Fever. These new units can shake up the tier list, as they may be more powerful or versatile than existing units. It is important to keep an eye on new unit releases and see how they affect the tier list.
  • Meta Changes: The meta in Crash Fever can change over time. This is due to changes in the game mechanics, as well as the release of new units. As the meta changes, certain units may become more or less useful. It is important to be aware of meta changes and adjust your team accordingly.
  • Situational Units: Some units in Crash Fever are better suited for certain situations than others. For example, some units may be particularly effective against certain types of enemies or in certain game modes. It is important to consider the situation when choosing units for your team.
  • Regular Updates: The Crash Fever tier list should be updated regularly to reflect the latest changes in the game. This will help you to make informed decisions about which units to use on your team.

By staying up-to-date on the latest tier list changes, you can ensure that your team is always using the best units for the current meta. This will give you a significant advantage in battle and help you to progress further in the game.

Regular updates essential.

Regular updates to the Crash Fever tier list are essential for staying up-to-date on the latest changes in the game. This is because new units are released regularly, the meta can change over time, and some units may be better suited for certain situations than others.

  • New Unit Releases: New units are released regularly in Crash Fever. These new units can shake up the tier list, as they may be more powerful or versatile than existing units. By staying up-to-date on the latest tier list updates, you can see how new units affect the tier list and adjust your team accordingly.
  • Meta Changes: The meta in Crash Fever can change over time. This is due to changes in the game mechanics, as well as the release of new units. As the meta changes, certain units may become more or less useful. By staying up-to-date on the latest tier list updates, you can see how the meta is changing and adjust your team accordingly.
  • Situational Units: Some units in Crash Fever are better suited for certain situations than others. For example, some units may be particularly effective against certain types of enemies or in certain game modes. By staying up-to-date on the latest tier list updates, you can see which units are best suited for different situations and adjust your team accordingly.
  • Stay Competitive: By staying up-to-date on the latest tier list updates, you can ensure that your team is always using the best units for the current meta. This will give you a significant advantage in battle and help you to stay competitive with other players.

Regular updates to the Crash Fever tier list are essential for staying ahead of the curve and ensuring that your team is always using the best units. By following these updates, you can make informed decisions about which units to use on your team and improve your chances of success in battle.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Crash Fever Tier List 2024:

Question 1: What is the Crash Fever Tier List?
Answer 1: The Crash Fever Tier List is a ranking of all the units in the game based on their overall strength and usefulness. The tier list is divided into several tiers, with SS tier being the highest tier and C tier being the lowest tier.

Question 2: How often is the tier list updated?
Answer 2: The tier list is updated regularly to reflect changes in the game, such as new unit releases and meta changes. It is important to stay up-to-date on the latest tier list changes to ensure that you are using the best units on your team.

Question 3: Which units are the best in the game?
Answer 3: The best units in the game are the SS tier units. These units are incredibly powerful and versatile, and they can be used to great effect in any situation. Some of the best SS tier units include Amaterasu, Zeus, Odin, and Lucifer.

Question 4: Which units are good for beginners?
Answer 4: C tier units are good for beginners. These units are easy to obtain and require fewer resources to level up and evolve than higher-tier units. While they are not as powerful as higher-tier units, they can still be useful for clearing early quests and dungeons.

Question 5: How can I stay up-to-date on the latest tier list changes?
Answer 5: You can stay up-to-date on the latest tier list changes by following Crash Fever news and updates on the official website, social media pages, and forums.

Question 6: Is the tier list always accurate?
Answer 6: While the tier list is created by experienced players and is based on extensive testing and analysis, it is not always 100% accurate. Some units may be better or worse than their tier list ranking suggests, depending on the situation. It is important to use the tier list as a general guide, but also to experiment with different units to find the ones that work best for you.

Question 7: Can I use lower-tier units to succeed in the game?
Answer 7: Yes, you can use lower-tier units to succeed in the game. While higher-tier units are generally more powerful, lower-tier units can still be effective if you use them correctly. It is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your units, and to build a team that can cover each other’s weaknesses.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the Crash Fever Tier List 2024. If you have any other questions, be sure to check the official Crash Fever website or forums for more information.

Now that you know more about the Crash Fever Tier List 2024, you can start building a team of powerful units that will help you succeed in the game. Be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest tier list changes and experiment with different units to find the ones that work best for you.


Here are some tips for using the Crash Fever Tier List 2024 to build a powerful team:

Tip 1: Consider the Situation: When building your team, consider the situation you will be facing. Some units are better suited for certain situations than others. For example, some units may be particularly effective against certain types of enemies or in certain game modes.

Tip 2: Build a Balanced Team: Don’t just focus on using the highest-tier units. It is important to build a balanced team that covers each other’s weaknesses. For example, you may want to have a mix of units that can deal physical damage, magical damage, and healing.

Tip 3: Experiment with Different Units: The tier list is a good starting point, but it is important to experiment with different units to find the ones that work best for you. Some units may be better than their tier list ranking suggests, while others may be worse. Try out different units and see which ones you like the most.

Tip 4: Stay Up-to-Date on the Latest Tier List Changes: The tier list is updated regularly to reflect changes in the game, such as new unit releases and meta changes. It is important to stay up-to-date on the latest tier list changes to ensure that you are using the best units on your team.

By following these tips, you can use the Crash Fever Tier List 2024 to build a powerful team that will help you succeed in the game. Remember, the tier list is just a guide. Experiment with different units and find the ones that work best for you.

With a little planning and effort, you can build a team of powerful units that will help you conquer any challenge in Crash Fever. So what are you waiting for? Start building your team today!


The Crash Fever Tier List 2024 is an invaluable resource for players looking to build a powerful team and succeed in the game. The tier list ranks all the units in the game based on their overall strength and usefulness, and it is updated regularly to reflect changes in the game, such as new unit releases and meta changes.

By using the tier list, players can make informed decisions about which units to use on their team. The tier list can also help players learn about the different units in the game and how to use them effectively.

Of course, the tier list is just a guide. It is important to experiment with different units and find the ones that work best for you. Some units may be better than their tier list ranking suggests, while others may be worse. The best way to find the units that work best for you is to try them out and see how they perform.

With a little planning and effort, you can build a team of powerful units that will help you conquer any challenge in Crash Fever. So what are you waiting for? Start building your team today!

Remember, the Crash Fever Tier List 2024 is just a tool to help you make informed decisions about your team. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game!

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